Search Keyword By: Network
advanced intelligent network (AIN)
A telecommunications network architecture that uses databases to facilitate call processing, call routing, and network management, allowing carriers to change the routing of both inbound and outbound calls from moment to moment. [FCC-5] 2. A proposed intelligent-network (IN) architecture that includes both IN/1+ and IN/2 concepts.
asynchronous network
A network in which the clocks do not need to be synchronous or mesochronous. Synonym nonsynchronous network.
balancing network
1. In a hybrid set, hybrid coil, or resistance hybrid, a circuit used to match, i.e., to balance, the impedance of a uniform transmission line, i.e., twisted metallic pair, over a selected range of frequencies. Note: A balancing network is required to ensure isolation between the two ports of the four-wire side of the hybrid. 2. A device used between a balanced device or line and an unbalanced device or line for the purpose of transforming from balanced to unbalanced or from unbalanced to balanced.
branching network
A network used for transmission or reception of signals over two or more channels.