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Loosely, the group of microwave frequencies from 4 GHz to 6 GHz used in satellite communications. 2. The band of satellite downlink frequencies between 3.7 and 4.2 GHz. Note 1: For federal procurement purposes, the radio frequency band(s) must be specified using the upper and lower limits of the band, per 47 CFR 300. Note 2: Letter designators of radio frequency bands are imprecise, and in the international community are deprecated and obsolete.


Abbreviation for communications-electronics.


A general-purpose, high-level, structured computer programming language. Note: C-language was originally designed for and implemented on the UNIXTM operating system.

C-Message Noise

The term “C-Message Noise” denotes the frequency weighted average noise within an idle voice channel. The frequency weighting, called C-message, is used to simulate the frequency characteristic of the 5OO-type telephone set and the hearing of the average subscriber.

C-message weighting

A noise spectral weighting used in a noise power measuring set to measure noise power on a line that is terminated by a 500-type set or similar instrument. Note: The instrument is calibrated in dBrnC.

C-Notched Noise

The term “C-Notched Noise” denotes the C-message frequency weighted noise on a voice channel with a holding tone, which is removed at the measuring end through a notch (very narrow band) filter.


Abbreviation for central office.


Carrier to Noise Density Ratio


Abbreviation for command and control warfare.


CA: Carrier Aggregation

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