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E & M signaling

In telephony, an arrangement that uses separate leads, called the “E” lead and “M” lead, for signaling and supervisory purposes. Note 1: The near end signals the far end by applying -48 Vdc to the “M” lead, which results in a ground being applied to the far end’s “E” lead. When -48 Vdc is applied to the far end “M” lead, the near-end “E” lead is grounded. Note 2: The “E” originally stood for “ear,” i.e., when the near-end “E” lead was grounded, the far end was calling and “wanted your ear.” The “M” originally stood for “mouth,” because when the near-end wanted to call (i.e., speak to) the far end, -48 Vdc was applied to that lead.

E layer

See E region, ionosphere.

E region

That portion of the ionosphere existing between approximately 95 and 130 km above the surface of the Earth. Note: The E Region lies between the D and F regions. Synonyms Heaviside layer, Kennelly-Heaviside layer.

E region image


Abbreviation for electronic. A prefix generally indicating an association with The Internet or computerized business or office functions; e.g., an “e-file” (electronic file) or “e-commerce,” (electronic commerce).


Enhanced Dolby Audio Coding 3


Enhanced Automatic Carrier Routing


A smooth change in the direction of the axis of a waveguide, throughout which the axis remains in a plane parallel to the direction of electric E-field (transverse) polarization. Synonym E-plane bend.


Abbreviation for electronic cash. Data representing money, which data can be transferred by means of a computer network and can be traded as a token exchangeable for real money. Synonyms digicash, digital cash. [After 2382-pt.35]


Abbreviation for electronic commerce. A way of doing real-time business transactions via telecommunications networks, when the customer and the merchant are in different geographical places. [Mattila] Note: Electronic commerce is a broad concept that includes virtual browsing of goods on sale, selection of goods to buy, and payment methods. Electronic commerce operates on a bona fide basis, without prior arrangements between customers and merchants. E-commerce operates via the Internet using all or any combination of technologies designed to exchange data (such as EDI or e-mail), to access data (such as shared databases or electronic bulletin boards), and to capture data (through the use of bar coding and magnetic or optical character readers).


Ethernet Local Area Network Service

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